Film ratings

Explore films featuring Willy Wonka through the years

Did you know the BBFC has classified several films over the years featuring the iconic literary character, Willy Wonka? Before heading to see Wonka this December, why not grab some sweet treats and check out these other adaptations? 🍫✨

Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory

contains mild language 

Adaptation of the Roald Dahl book for children in which a boy wins a prize that allows him to visit a famous sweet factory. A few mildly scary scenes are resolved quickly and unlikely to upset even very young children.

Threat and horror

There are a few mild scary scenes, including one in which people encounter some frightening projected images, like those seen in a ghost train, as they go through a tunnel. A child falls into a chute and her father follows behind her but they are later shown to be unharmed. Other greedy children are punished by falling into a river of chocolate or by being blown up to massive size, but the scenes are comic and fantastical.


There are a couple of uses of the word 'bleedin'.

Alcohol and tobacco

There is sight of a cigar and an adult character refers to giving up smoking. There are also verbal references to 'liquor'.

Tom And Jerry: Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory

mild slapstick violence, threat 

Experience a modern twist on the classic Roald Dahl tale as Tom and Jerry venture into the enchanting world of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.


There are several sequences of typical Tom and Jerry slapstick violence in which Tom, in particular, suffers misfortune and physical injury. However, typically of the well known style of Tom and Jerry, the harm is unrealistic and short-lived.

Threat and horror

There are brief mildly scary moments and moments of threat as Tom and Jerry are chased.

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory 

mild threat, mild bad language

Join a young boy on a magical tour of the eccentric Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, directed by Tim Burton.

Threat and horror

Occasional scenes of mild threat include a character being chased by a large wasp, a child being turned into a giant blueberry, a character dodging a knife when he is transported into a scene from a film, and a child being swarmed by squirrels. There is also a scene in which some singing mannequins catch of fire and melt.


There is infrequent use of mild bad language, including 'hell', 'jerk' and 'boogers'. An unsympathetic character also uses the term 'retard', although his usage is not condoned or approved of.

Infrequent scenes of comic violence include a girl beating up some men in a karate lesson.


mild threat, violence, implied bad language

An impoverished chocolate-maker with big dreams befriends a young orphan in this colourful musical fantasy film. Moments of peril are balanced by zany humour and a focus on friendship and adventure.


A police officer ‘roughs up’ a man by dunking his head repeatedly in freezing water during a scene of mild comic violence. A little girl is casually kicked by her cruel guardian, but the blow does not appear to hurt her. Other scenes contain very mild slapstick violence such as comic knockout blows.

Threat and horror

Two people are forced at gunpoint into a vault which then rapidly fills with liquid chocolate, threatening to drown them; they remain calm, however, and do not come to harm. In a short scene, disgruntled shop customers start a riot, smashing up the shop and setting it on fire, but again no one is hurt.


There is an implied, partial use of the term ‘arse’. Very mild bad language includes ‘damn’, ‘gosh’, ‘blasted’ and ‘jeez’.


There are very mild comic sex references, such as when one man suggests to another that he could make his love interest ‘sigh’ by showing her ‘some thigh’.


Jokes are made about the weight of a character played by an actor wearing a fat-suit.

Rude humour

There is very mild toilet humour, including brief fart jokes and references to diarrhoea.


There are infrequent very mild upsetting scenes, including ones related to past bereavement.