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Consider whether you think it is suitable for very young children – do you think they would be frightened by it?


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A Wrinkle In Time

Disney are famous for making animated films, but the studio also have a history of producing live action family films such as Maleficent and Alice in Wonderland. The Hollywood studio's latest release – A Wrinkle In Time – is a live action fantasy adventure about a thirteen year old girl who, with the help of three otherworldly beings, transports to various fantastical realms in search of her missing father. 

Do you think it makes a difference if a film is live action and not animated? Does the action seem more intense or scary? Could the fact that the trailer shows a teenage girl in danger make the threat feel any stronger?

When watching the trailer for A Wrinkle In Time consider whether you think it is suitable for very young children – do you think they would be frightened by it? Think about the setting of the film and whether this makes the events seem more or less real.  

Watch the trailer and make note of the issues you see. Once you've decided what age rating you would give it, click below to find out what rating a Compliance Officer gave it.

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