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Think about the role that humour plays in the trailer.


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Johnny English Strikes Again

This trailer is promoting a new film featuring the comedy character Johnny English, an undercover agent for the British Government. This is the third film in the series, with both JOHNNY ENGLISH and JOHNNY ENGLISH REBORN rated PG by the BBFC. This film has also been passed at PG for mild bad language, violence and sex references. Other trailers for the film have been submitted and have all been rated U.

Highlight the issues you spot, make a recommendation and then compare your notes and decision with notes from a BBFC Compliance Officer.

Remember that although you may have seen other JOHNNY ENGLISH films, you are rating the trailer for an audience who may not be familiar with the character. Think about the role that humour plays in the trailer – are we meant to take the action seriously? Before you make your decision about what rating you would give the trailer, remember that trailers do not always get the same rating as the feature films they are advertising. 

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