BBFC Black Card Competition
Thank you to everyone who sent in an entry to our Black Card Competition! Check out the runners up below.
After much deliberation, with over 900 entries, the judges were able to narrow down all of the fantastic entries to the runners up below. Read about the winning entry that wowed the judges who reached a unanimous decision.
Our runner-ups
From the early days of cinema, we’ve been giving films age ratings on our famous ‘black cards’. Your parents, grandparents, teachers will all have seen different designs over the years, and they've always done the same thing - let you know the age rating of the film you are about to see.
Now, we're giving you a chance to design a black card yourself - and see your idea on the big screen in front of the next big summer blockbuster. This year, your picture could be seen on a special black card shown in front of a big blockbuster film - children and families all over the country will see it. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to see your picture and your name up in lights.

What do I have to do?
We want a brilliant, beautiful card to be shown in cinemas across the UK – this is your chance to see your drawing on the silver screen.
The theme for the competition is the magic of cinema, and we'd love to see your drawings and designs to be shown in cinemas. Your design can feature anything which shows how much going to the cinema means to you, and the magic of watching films on the silver screen. Here is the winner of the previous competition in 2012.
You can draw your design on the postcard in the teacher pack or printed off from CBBFC, or on your own paper or card, and use any technique you like - pencils, crayons, felt tips, paint, digital drawing, even glitter, but it must be all your own work. We can't accept entries with images taken from films or online.
As your design will become the real black card, please remember to leave a space in your picture for the BBFC logo, and the title of the film, and we will add in the other important information (the signatures of our CEO and President who approve each decision, the film's unique code, and our BBFC ratings info).
Who will decide on the winner?
Our BBFC education team, working with the team who create black cards for all cinema film releases in the UK, will select a short list and the final design will be chosen by the our CEO and President, you will have seen their signatures on the big screen at the cinema! We're also be delighted to have some special guests from the world of films and literature sitting on the panel too.
The winner will be the card that shows the magic of cinema. You don't have to put film characters or titles on your card, and it doesn't have to be themed around a particular film - it can be anything which shows how and why watching movies can be so enjoyable and magical.
The competition is open to all children in the UK - and you can post your entries to us at the address below, or upload them. You must read the terms and conditions on our website, and include with your entry your name, age, and the details of an adult whom we can contact and who has given you permission to enter. You can fill these in online, or you can write them on the back of your entry if you send it in by post.
The competition closed on Friday 19 July 2019.
Good luck!