Childnet announce the winners of its annual Film Competition

Arundale Primary School and Wren Academy won this year's Childnet Film Competition, creating films encouraging other children to be safe and respectful online.

Arundale's film 'Times Have Changed' was judged best primary entry, while Wren's stop-motion animation 'Hash and Tag' was named best Secondary film. The filmmakers received their prizes, including Canon DSLRs cameras, in a ceremony at the British Film Institute on July 18th.

The BBFC Chief Executive, David Austin, was on the panel of judges with other experts on internet safety. He congratulated all those who sent in their films.

The theme of the competition, open to children aged 7-18, was 'shine online'. Hundreds of budding filmmakers entered the competition, from primary and secondary schools across the UK.

All six short-listed films were also classified U by the BBFC and given BBFC black cards.

David Austin, of the BBFC, said: "The BBFC works extremely hard in the field of child protection. This competition is a creative way for children to use film to think about complex issues such as cyberbullying and online safety. It was fantastic to see the different methods each short-listed film used to convey the importance of positive use of the internet."

To watch the 60-120 second films, visit the Childnet website.

All the short-listed films are available online for teachers to use when discussing positive and safe internet use.