Home learning resources
As coronavirus has changed our daily lives, we know that a lot of parents have found themselves faced with the task of homeschooling their children throughout this crisis.
We’ve launched a new initiative - with support from DCMS, Bernardo’s, The PSHE Association and Childnet - to help you keep your children safe, and at home during these strange times.
Film is a fantastic teaching tool, and can help children start to think about how the choices they make affect themselves and those around them.
We’ve put together a full round up of our free, downloadable and online resources.
Our Parents’ Guide to Age Ratings is designed to help parents and carers navigate content with their children. Films, TV shows and websites can make a huge difference in children’s lives, and for children’s healthy development and own sense of wellbeing staying safe online is crucial.
Children can have a go at being a BBFC compliance officer, and rate a trailer themselves. Using our classification guidelines, children need to think critically about the content in the trailers, consider the audience, and can compare their answer with the actual age rating and content advice. It’s also suitable for adults too - you could even compare how you do!
Coming together as a family is more important than ever, that's why we've put together some movie activity packs, which you and your family can use before you grab some popcorn and a blanket, head to the sofa, and throw a good old fashioned movie night.
Written in partnership with the PSHE Association, our PSHE free resources outline useful ways for you to use films to talk about films with your children.
Check out a roundup of educational case studies suitable for kids of all ages, which suggests films from U - 12 to watch, some of which feature on the media studies curriculum, and each gives insight into the classification process, as well as suggested discussion points so that you can help your children begin to think critically about film.
We’ve published a list of educational films and TV shows that are available to stream now on video on demand platforms, perfect for filling up an hour or two.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram too for daily content, as well as suggestions for family friendly movies you can watch together during lockdown.

Rate a trailer
Choose a trailer to watch, note the issues and make your recommendation!

Films and resources for discussion
Film is a great medium to start getting your children thinking critically.

Educational shows to watch at home
We’ve put together a list of educational shows for all ages that you can stream and watch as a family.